

Zhang Qinhong

Associate Professor

Office Phone:021-62934765

Education Background
上海交通大学 安泰经济与管理学院 博士
Work Experience
2015. 1 — 副研究员 上海交通大学
2013. 12 — 2014.12 访问学者 瑞典吕勒奥理工大学
2009. 9 — 2013.12 助理研究员 上海交通大学
Research Interests
Research Project

[1]. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(71771146),基于融资及需求激励作用的企业预售策略研究,负责人,2018-2021.
[2]. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(71001063),基于商业信用的供应链运营风险控制策略研究,负责人,2010-2013。
[5].上海交通大学985三期研究生交叉课程建设, “供应链金融”,负责人;执行年限:2011-2013.

[1]. 负责人,汽车动力电池逆向供应链服务研究,执行年限,2019年;
[2]. 负责人,进口生鲜智慧冷链研究,执行年限,2019年;
[3]. 负责人,新能源汽车废旧电池回收再利用研究,执行年限,2018年;
[4]. 负责人,智能可穿戴设备在汽车物流中的应用研究,执行年限,2017年;
[5]. 负责人,不同体系下的汽车主机厂零部件物流模式研究,执行年限:2016年;
[6]. 负责人,风神物流自动化规划研究,执行年限:2015年;
[7]. 联合负责人,上海电物集团整体战略规划及集团管控研究,执行年限:2014年;
[8]. 联合负责人,风神物流甩挂运输方案,执行年限:2013年;
[9]. 联合负责人,汽车行业物流循环容器共享平台研究,执行年限:2012年;
[10]. 联合负责人,山东高速集团物流战略规划,执行年限:2011年;
[11]. 联合负责人,物流金融业务模式与风险控制研究,执行年限:2010年.
[1]. Qinhong Zhang, Dali Zhang, Anders Segerstedt, Jianwen Luo. Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing product-specific gift cards. OMEGA, 2018,74: 92-102.
[2]. Qinhong Zhang*,Anders Segerstedt,Yu-Chung Tsao, Biyu Liu.  Returnable packaging management in automotive parts logistics: Dedicated mode and shared mode, International Journal of Production Economics, 2015, 168:234–244.
[3]. Qinhong Zhang*, Ming Dong, Jianwen Luo, Anders Segerstedt. Supply Chain Coordination with Trade Credit and Quantity Discount Incorporating Default Risk. International Journal of Production Economics, 2014,153: 352–360.
[4]. Qinhong Zhang*, Dali Zhang, Yu-Chung Tsao, Jianwen Luo. Optimal ordering policy in a two-stage supply chain with advance payment for stable supply capacity. International Journal of Production Economics, 2016, 177, 34-43.
[5]. Qinhong Zhang, Yu-Chung Tsao*, Tsung-Hui Chen. Economic Order Quantity Under Advance Payment. Applied Mathematical modeling, 2014,38: 5910-5921.
[6].  Qinhong Zhang*, Jianwen Luo. Coordination of a buyer-vendor supply chain for a perishable product under symmetric and asymmetric information. Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research, 2011, 28(5), 673-688.
[7]. Qinhong Zhang*, Yongrui Duan, Jianwen Luo. Buyer-vendor coordination for fixed lifetime product with quantity discount under finite production rate. International Journal of Systems Science, 2016, 47(4):821-834.
[8]. Jianwen Luo, Qinhong Zhang*(通讯作者). Trade credit: a new mechanism to coordinate supply chain. Operations Research Letters, 2012, 40(5):378-384.
[9]. Wei Jin, Qinhong Zhang, Jianwen Luo*. Comparison of the supply chain financing with and without trade credit, OMEGA (Accept)
[10]. Huixiao Yang, Jianwen Luo*, Qinhong Zhang. Supplier encroachment under nonlinear pricing with imperfect substitutes: Bargaining power versus revenue sharing. European Journal of Operational Research, 2018, 267:1089–1101.
[11]. Wei Jin, Jianwen Luo*, Qinhong Zhang. Optimal ordering and financing decisions under advance selling and delayed payment for a capital-constrained supply chain. Journal of the Operational Research Society. (Accept: doi.org/10.1080/01605682.2017.1415643).
[12]. Yu-Chung Tsao, Qinhong Zhang, Tsung-Hui Chen*. Multi-item Distribution Network Design Problems under Volume Discount on Transportation Cost. International Journal of Production Research,2016, 54(2):426–443.
[13]. Tsao, Yu-Chung*; Chen, Tsung-Hui; Qinhong, Zhang. Effects of maintenance policy on an imperfect production system under trade credit. International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51(5):1549–1562.
[14]. Yu-Chung Tsao, Qinhong Zhang*(通讯作者), FC Chang, Thuy Linh Vu. An Imperfect Production Model under Radio Frequency Identification Adoption and Trade Credit. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2017, 42:493-508.
[15]. Yu-Chung Tsao, Qinhong Zhang*(通讯作者), Qinglong Zeng. Supply chain network design considering RFID adoption. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2017, 14 (2) :977-983.
[16]. Yu-Chung Tsao, Qinhong Zhang*(通讯作者), Hui-Ping Fang, Pei-Ling Lee. Two-Tiered Pricing and Ordering for Non-instantaneous Deteriorating Items under Trade Credit. Operational Research: An International Journal, 2017 (2) :1-20.
《库存与供应链管理》 工程管理硕士(MEM)
《供应链金融》 硕士
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